The Horny Ball 2016
By Hollywood Monster
April 14th 2016
The Horny Ball 2016 took place in a barn conversion on the 5th March in Shrewsbury. The Ball was organised with the aim of raising money for a number of charitable causes, including:
- Cardiac Risk in the Young
- Scleroderma Society
- Self Help Africa
- Samburu Trust
- Shrewsbury Ark
As sponsors of the event, we collaborated with CMYUK in supplying and installing all the signage.
The graphics had a great spin on horns, using a series of different images, bulls were incorporated throughout the entire concept. 40 linear metres of foamex board prints were used both internally and externally. 5 metres of UTACK self adhesive wallpaper was applied to the entrance and a total of 9 display polyester drapes were hung along the back wall. The project took two members of our installation team one day to complete.