Before COVID-19 we had the best start to our financial year (December to March) that we had ever had.
Hollywood Monster were very confident with the strength of the market and had committed to another £750k in capex on a new print machine. Then all things changed in the blink of an eye with the emerging news globally of the Covid-19 pandemic.

By Mid-March all our exhibition and events clients had literally vanished as all shows had been cancelled and our construction and retail business took a massive downturn.
At the point of lockdown we had to think hard and fast like many as to what we were going to do. Hollywood Monster were fortunate enough that our supermarket clients were still spending reasonable amounts with us, they and other business and services in the public sector started to talk to us about PPE and Safety Screens.
At that point the market exploded and the requirements for social distancing signage, floor vinyl’s and sneeze screens grew exponentially. With this in mind, we decided to make sure we had raw materials to be able to supply our clients, and we invested a huge amount of money in acrylic and floor graphic vinyl’s as it complimented our skill sets in both fabrication and print capacity. From mid-April 2020 we had been working 3 shifts 7 days a week. We also launched a brand-new online store to provide our clients with a quick and easy way of ordering their health and safety signage, getting them back to their place of work safely.

Safety signage throughout stores
Sneeze screens
signage, PPE, screens